FER Sponsors

The following potential resources are listed as a public resource. Please be aware that we have not checked these organizations out and cannot be certain about their purpose or leadership. However, if you do not find the specific professional you are looking for, networking with others can lead you to other resources.

Fathers for Equal Rights, Inc. can not check each organization or person listed on our web site, and we are not and cannot be responsible for the services or products you receive from advertisers, resource lists, or links on our site. However, we would like to know your opinion, good or bad, about the services you receive from these individuals, companies, or organizations. We will, if the situation warrants, attempt to use our good offices to resolve complaints. If negative information is determined to be serious enough, we reserve the right to take administrative action against offenders. And if you catch us, or our advertisers doing something right, we will be happy to pass that information on as well.

We strive to be the premier resource for fathers, children, and families on the Internet, however some states and local communities have no resources listed. If you learn of other helpful organizations or professionals in your area, please let us know. We invite good people or organizations to link or advertise with us.

My child's mother brought my daughter to me and literally disappeared for approximately 3 whole years! Attempts to contact the mother by emails, phone calls, text messages, social media, family and friends yielded nothing. I then contacted Fathers For Equal Rights for help. Within a week we were in court and signing papers.
  -- Sefu A. - Dallas, TX

FER Sponsors